Publi-Zeppelins: Advertising, balloon with helium, spheres, balloons, aerial photographs


Yolanda Riber, from the Élite Conexión agency, commissioned us to film different areas of the banks of the Manzanares River as it passes through Madrid with a zeppelin. These images would be used for the promotion of the film "127 Hours", for its release on DVD, Blu-Ray and digital copy in a single pack.

The video mixes images from the film with aerial shots of different emblematic areas of the capital captured with a helium balloon, emphasising the improvement works carried out recently.

We hope you like the promo.

We do not want to say goodbye without thanking Yolanda and Beatriz, from Élite Conexión Agency, for having trusted Publi-zeppelines.
Congratulations also for the production work done.

P.S.: If you have problems viewing the video, you can access it by following this link:

Zeppelín cautivo 5 m para filmación aérea
Filmación aérea desde zeppelín